Derfor skal du vælge Air2G2

Frederikshavn Golfklub deler deres erfaring med Air2G2

I første kvartal af 2022, mere specifikt i marts måned,  var vi forbi Frederikshavn Golfklub med deres nye Air2G2 lufter. Adam Evans, Chefgreenkeeper i klubben, har sendt os nedenstående udtalelse om deres erfaring med Air2G2, som vi er meget stolte over at kunne bringe videre til dig! 

Læs om Adam og hans teams erfaringer her – og som Adam understreger til sidst, så tøv ikke med at tag fat i ham, eller os, hvis du vil vide mere!

Our Air2G2 experiance

“This year I received the Air2G2, the reason why I wanted this instead of, or before I bought a ProCore, is that over the last 5 years I have had massive problems when it comes to deep and swallow spiking (aerating).
Hence, I have plucked (pulled up) parts of my greens that have very weak roots. I found out that for 25 years they have never gone below 6inch meaning it was very compact and, when I took the deep spiker over a depth of 10inch I destroyed the greens. But I believed that I was breaking up the compact solid, so I could live with the damage. However, I was wrong!

I started using my Air2G2 on all my bad greens and, to my amazement, I couldn’t penetrate below 4inch. This became apparent when the three air probes was set at 9inch and still didn’t go down to the full depth.

So, seeing this I put the machine in the same place and sent the probes down again and again till it went full depth. I did this on all greens and areas that had a problem.”

How Air2G2 works

Air2G2 dont mess up the surface

“The great thing is that the Air2G2 doesn’t make any mess and you can do the job till you are 100% satisfied and there will be no damage or interruptions of the surface, so golfers can play straight after you are done OR during.

I have used the Air2G2 five times this year on the greens at all different heights and will finish with a full depth in the end of October. But the great news is that I had my spiker over the greens last week (wk38) and had no damage from the machine! Meaning the Air2G2 is breaking up the compaction and sending my roots down to be stronger and healthier.”

Air2G2 is a game changer

“This machine is a game changer! It does everything that an aerating machine should do and more – breaks up compaction, gets air into the soil and help strengthens roots. And the bonus is it does it with no down time on your greens and saves money regarding dressing as there is no need to fill holes.

The Air2G2 is the best machine for aerating anywhere and delivers great results! We are now taking it across all tees and bad/warn areas where people walk all the time. I am confident that it will do what I want and help grass grow again.

If you are unsure about buying one you can call me on 5455 9575 OR come visit Frederikshavn Golfklub and I’m happy to show you.”

by Adam Evans – Chef Greenkeeper – Frederikshavn Golfklub

Adam Evans - Chefgreenkeeper - Frederikshavn Golfklub
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