The Toro Company udnævner Reesink Turfcare DK A/S til Distributor of Excellence EMEA!

Toro anerkender årligt deres bedst performende distributører verden over via Partners in Excellence (PIE) programmet. Målepunkter som markedsandel, kundeservice, forretningsprocesser og en fornuftig økonomi er væsentlige elementer i Toro’s PIE standarder. På øverste hylde i PIE programmet findes hædersprisen Distributor of Excellence, der gives til én distributør per region i henholdsvis Europa/Mellemøsten/Afrika (EMEA), Nordamerika, Asien/Stillehavsområdet samt Latinamerika. Prisen går til den distributør, der har opnået den højeste score i PIE programmet og i det pågældende år har opnået bemærkelsesværdige resultater i deres respektive region.

I sidste uge uddelte Toro deres Distributor of Excellence EMEA Award til Reesink Turfcare DK.

”Jeg er på vegne af hele teamet i Reesink Turfcare DK meget stolt og beæret over at have modtaget Distributor of Excellence EMEA prisen. Denne store anerkendelse tager først og fremmest udgangspunkt i en fantastisk indsats leveret af hele teamet i vores virksomhed. Alle medarbejdere har ydet det maksimale og har skabt succes i et ellers meget udfordrende år. Derudover har vores højt værdsatte og loyale kunder naturligvis den helt afgørende del af æren – uden dem var vi her jo slet ikke.”, udtaler Carsten Brandt, administrerende direktør for Reesink Turfcare DK.

Prisen Distributor of Excellence blev introduceret i 1984. The Toro Company Partners in Excellence program anerkender årligt de distributører, der performer bedst blandt de 50 amerikanske og 100 udenlandske distributører fordelt i mere end 90 lande verden over. Modtagerne af prisen prisbelønnes med en bronze skulptur (The Bull Award), der er designet og udført af kunstneren Wally Shoop.


Om Reesink Turfcare DK A/S
Siden 1966 har Svend Carlsen A/S, nu Reesink Turfcare DK A/S, været enedistributør af Toro i Danmark. Reesink Turfcare DK varetager Toro’s store produktpanel af kvalitetsudstyr til professionel græspleje. Virksomhedens portefølje omfatter desuden produkter fra Dennis, Foley United og SISIS.

Om The Toro Company
The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) er en ledende global udbyder af innovative løsninger til udendørs miljøet, herunder græs-, sne- og terrænudstyr samt vandingsanlæg og udendørs lysløsninger. Med en omsætning på $2,4 milliarder i regnskabsåret 2015, rækker Toro’s globale tilstedeværelse ud i mere end 90 lande. Gennem konstant innovation og gode partnerskaber bygget på tillid og integritet, har Toro opbygget et enestående renommé ved at hjælpe kunder med pleje og vedligeholdelse af golfanlæg, landskaber, sportsanlæg, offentlige grønne områder, privat- og erhvervsejendomme samt landbrug. For mere information, besøg www.toro.com.

På billedet (nederst fra venstre):

Rick Olson (CEO, The Toro Company), Lars Rævsager (Tidligere Salgschef, Reesink Turfcare DK A/S), Carsten Brandt (Administrerende Direktør, Reesink Turfcare DK A/S), Darren Redetzke (Vice President International Business, The Toro Company) og Rasto Nichta (Director of Sales EMEA, The Toro Company).




Reesink Turfcare DK receives Toro’s top honor Distributor of Excellence EMEA!

Every year The Toro Company recognizes it’s distributors for their achievements through the Partners in Excellence program. These distributors stand out with regard to customer service as well as fulfillment of Toro’s standards. Furthermore, The Toro Company nominates the highest possible award Distributor of Excellence, where only one distributor per region is chosen in respectively North America, Europe/Middle East/Africa (EMEA), Asia Pacific (APAC) and Latin America. The award goes to the distributor who has obtained the highest overall Partners in Excellence score in their region and is based on outstanding achievements in performance, financial health, and customer care and customer satisfaction.

Last week The Toro Company announced Reesink Turfcare DK as the Distributor of Excellence EMEA, which is a great recognition of the company according to Carsten Brandt, Managing Director, Reesink Turfcare DK:

“I am very proud and honored to have received the 2016 Toro Distributor of Excellence EMEA award on behalf of the team of Reesink Turfcare DK. This magnificent achievement is a true recognition of all employees in our company. Our entire team has managed to get the most out of a very challenging year. Not to forget is our valued, loyal customers without whom we would not be here at all. I highly appreciate their business and the good relationships with them all.”

The Distributor of Excellence Award was first introduced in 1984. The Toro Company Partners in Excellence Awards recognize the highest performers among its distributors, which includes approximately 50 domestic and 100 foreign distributors in more than 90 countries. Distributor recipients will be awarded bronze sculptures, which were designed and created by artist, Wally Shoop.


About Reesink Turfcare DK A/S
Svend Carlsen A/S, today Reesink Turfcare DK A/S, has been a distributor of Toro in Denmark since 1966. Reesink Turfcare DK handles Toro’s large product range in innovative equipment for professional turfcare. In addition, Reesink Turfcare DK’s product range includes equipment from Dennis, Foley United and SISIS.

About The Toro Company
The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) is a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf, snow and ground engaging equipment, and irrigation and outdoor lighting solutions. With sales of $2.4 billion in fiscal 2015, Toro’s global presence extends to more than 90 countries. Through constant innovation and caring relationships built on trust and integrity, Toro and its family of brands have built a legacy of excellence by helping customers care for golf courses, landscapes, sports fields, public green spaces, commercial and residential properties and agricultural fields. For more information, visit www.toro.com.


Toro Distributor of excellence '16-1


Photo (from left):
Rick Olson (CEO, The Toro Company), Lars Rævsager (Former Sales Manager, Reesink Turfcare DK A/S), Carsten Brandt (Managing Director, Reesink Turfcare DK A/S), Darren Redetzke (Vice President International Business, The Toro Company) and Rasto Nichta (Director of Sales EMEA, The Toro Company).

Brevbund - Reesink Turfcare DK



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